cescobo, 47 años
Quiero tener citas con chicas

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Ubicación actual

Sonora, México


Quiero tener citas con chicas

Sobre cescobo

Hola, estoy de acuerdo en que el físico en una persona no lo es todo, pero es necesario sentir una atracción mutua. Y aunque el atractivo es relativo, considero que en primera instancia debe existir algo que te atraiga (el empaque lleva a abrir la caja). "The beauty of the body, often is indicative of the beauty of the soul"...”Por supuesto, después la personalidad tiene que ser el otro 50%, con lo cual el uno sin el otro, en mi opinión no existen. Delgada-mediana con curvas (no gorda). Busco una pareja leal ,comprensiva ,cariñosa ,hogareña ,que sea mi complice y me apoye en todos mis proyectos, sueños y fantasias. Las desveladas no son del todo lo mío, pero a veces hago sus excepciones. I'm not going to lie, appearance is very important to me, like 50%. Even though attractiveness is relative. Then the other 50% is all personality so, both must coexist in my opinion. My name is Carlos, brown hair, brown eyes, my height is 5 feet 11 inches, weight 80kg, short hair and a healthy man, self-sufficient, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure. I'm looking for fun & great times but im ready to settle too for the right lady, there should be trust, communication, understanding, and honesty. Life is a precious gift and it should be lived with love and joy. I define my life as a man with good sense of humor, kind and lovely and i am willing to meet a lady with the same characteristics so that we can love each other and care for each other. I’m serious to find my great love someone who will love me all my life. I enjoy various activities. I can bowl, skate, swim, play chess, checkers, bike riding, maybe a little fishing, a little golf, have tried tennis, camping, sports etc. It does not matter. I am a very average versatile person, and not hard to please. I enjoy the complex as well as the simple things in life I am interested in either long term relationship or short term. Let's see where it leads.  My General Preferences Are: *Above average intelligence.  *Young and pretty.  *Slim to medium, in good shape. no kilitos de más *No Drugs, Non Smoker, Non Drinker, (except maybe Social)  *Local (or able to get here on your own dime).  *Be doing ok financially. (not interested in welfare cases "no vividoras" si no trabaja que apoye en el hogar)  *Have a job and good career goals. (I will encourage your career needs)  *Preferably have your own car (as I do) Si no yo le facilitaria un carro para que apoye en las vueltas y sea independiente, No quiero terminar de taxista  I am kind of picky when it comes to the right girl. La pareja perfecta no existe, pero eso no significa que debamos conformarnos con menos de lo que realmente merecemos.


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