Victos89, 41 años
Quiero tener citas con chicas

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Ubicación actual

Las Palmas, España


Quiero tener citas con chicas

Sobre Victos89

Good afternoon, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
I on a visit. Stay in Spain is interesting to me, the close acquaintance with the Spanish girl also is interesting to me. I not long am in Las Palmas, but I wish to find mutual love and passion in sex. The escort completely is not interesting, not pleasantly. I the Russian seaman, decent, sports, pure and polite. 30/180/84 Victos. 51MrArIrL51 ALFA MrArIrL point ru Possibly we will be interesting each other, decency, tenderness, politeness, flowers, I guarantee. I poorly speak English language, but well I feel desires of the woman. I hope for a numerous meeting.
Sincerely yours
51mail51 ALFA mail point ru
602 659 040


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